
Honest, heart-driven filmmaking with strategic soul.

We’re a small, thoughtful production company based out of Bozeman, Montana.

We make films and take photographs, interview with empathy and rarely miss a detail; but the most valuable skill we offer is the ability to craft and deliver solid, honest storytelling when it matters.

  • "You nailed the subject. This is the most effective Vital Ground video I’ve yet seen....thanks on behalf of the native creatures whose futures depend upon those protected acres and those connections."

    Doug Chadwick, Author and Nat Geo Contributor, on the Vital Ground Foundation film “One Landscape”

  • "I can’t tell you what a positive response we have gotten to the video in a very short time. A number of people have told me that it brought them to tears....We had set our bar pretty high and you went way over it!!"

    Dave Sands, ED of Nebraska Land Trust, on the film “From the Grass Up”

  • "...being able to share it all - the stunning natural images, captivating interviews, and joyful family moments, as well as provide the key historical and contemporary information about the Crazy Mountains; this is master storytelling..."

    Dr. Shane Doyle, Apsáalooke Educator, on the film “Awaxaawippíia”

  • "Eric's acute attention to detail, his eye for beauty, and his storytelling instincts made working with him on 'Hallowed Waters' pure joy. The film gave our legislative campaign a powerful boost, helping audiences understand the necessity of passing the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act."

    Ted Brewer, Communications Director for Wild Montana


Ready to connect?

You know exactly what you need: messaging and tone are dialed-in, you’ve got a mood board and a budget.

Or: you have no idea where to start.

Either way – you’re a person or organization that has heart and deeply cares about their impact. And you’re ready to connect with your audience.

If you’re on the lookout for a creative collaborator that can make others care as deeply as you do, odds are I’m looking for you, too.


Curious about how we work?

We’re not your average film production company.

For nearly 10 years we’ve partnered with non-profits, creative directors, businesses, artists, stewards and underdogs to tell stories that move minds and create genuine connection (and look beautiful while doing it).

Come learn some things about us. invest ourselves deeply in our work



What’s in our Wheelhouse

01 Pre-production \ Writing
02 Production \ Directing \ Cinematography
03 Post-production \ Editing
04 Still photography
05 Aerial images + video
06 Backcountry-capable camera kit
07 A winning attitude


Let the collaboration begin.